Yediot Ahronot

Yediot Ahronot (‘latest news’), a leading newspaper in Israel, reports on the alarming conditions of public housing. Tenants residing in public housing claim appalling living conditions – lack of electricity and gas, leaking sewers, and barely functional bathrooms. These basic amenities are neglected by the very companies responsible for providing adequate housing, and tenants are forced to put up with mice, peeling walls, a sewer floating and penetrating the entire building, and more. Assaf Derri, a co-founder and an attorney at our office, as well as the director of the legal clinic at the College of Management, participated in a project to make a change. Over a hundred lawsuits were submitted to the courts to fix “this sick evil” (as he puts it). This is a unique, significant and important project, and the lawsuit, along with the  full details of the disgraceful living conditions, can be found in the following article:


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